Employment Opportunities at Alarm Systems of Canada

Alarm Technician
We are always looking for qualified alarm technicians with at least 5 years of experience. Experience with Canadian alarm panels is required for alarm work, but we are also looking for CCTV, Access Control and Wire and Cabling Technicians. We will pay a very reasonable rate as well. We do not believe in mass marketing and quick installations of inexpensive equipment.

Outbound Telemarketers
We are always looking to speak with energetic, presentable Outside Sales Representatives that are seeking to earn above-average incomes. We pay the highest commission rate that we know of because we want our employees to work with us, not for us. Leads are provided.

Alarm Dealerships
We are seeking friendly, cheerful people with good communication skills to work out of our pleasant office environment. Flexible hours.

Alarm Dealerships
We have thrived in the security industry for over 20 years. Our business model is proven and you can take advantage of our comprehensive knowledge and inventive marketing ideas. Security is on everyone's minds these days, and you can take advantage of the amazing growth possibilities in our industry. As well technologies are dove-tailing and complementing themselves to such a degree now that you will be on the pulse of the technology solutions that companies and consumers will be demanding, now and in the future.

Please Fax Resumes to: 416.482.6697.
State the opportunity that you are applying for.